번호논문명구분내용태그검색 논문 번호논문명구분 222반얀트란, 권성곤, 이석환, 권기룡, "Generalization of Forgery Detection With Meta Deepfake Detection Model", IEEE Access, 11 (2023)SCI급223김해용, 하라스타, 박종욱, 김호원, 권동현, "DEMIX: Domain-Enforced Memory Isolation for Embedded System", Sensors, 23 (2023)SCI급224서지원, 유준성, 권동현, 최필주, 백윤형, "ZOMETAG: Zone-based Memory Tagging for Fast, Deterministic Detection of Spatial Memory Violations on ARM", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY, SCI급225레티투흐엉, 아지, 유스투스, 강효은, 김호원, "Exploring Local Explanation of Practical Industrial AI Applications: A Systematic Literature Review", Applied Sciences, 13SCI급226아지, 나우팔, 오상봉, 레티투흐엉, 김호원, "NFT Image Plagiarism Check Using EfficientNet-Based Deep Neural Network with Triplet Semi-Hard Loss", Applied Sciences, 13 (2023)SCI급227박준석, 정수민, 염근혁, "Smart Contract Broker: Improving Smart Contract Reusability in a Blockchain Environment", Sensors, 23, (2023)SCI급228노시완, 피르도스, 이경현, "Commentary: Integrated blockchain-deep learning approach for analyzing the electronic health records recommender system", Frontiers in Public Health, 11 (2023)SCI급229프리다스, 노시완, 하라스타, 이경현, "Personalized federated learning for heterogeneous data: A distributed edge clustering approach", Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 20 (2023)SCI급230서승희, 석병진, 이창훈, "Digital forensic investigation framework for the metaverse", The Journal of Supercomputing, 20 (2023)SCI급 3456789101112Powered by MangBoard