번호논문명구분내용태그검색 논문 번호논문명구분 141Oktian, Yustus Eko, Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Uk Jo, and Howon Kim. 2022. "RealPrice: Blockchain-Powered Real-Time Pricing for Software-Defined Enabled Edge Network" Sensors 22, no. 24: 9639.SCI급19ON&OFF: 캐릭터 디자인을 응용한 블루투스 기반 조명 컨트롤 시스템국내학술대회5Optimization Approach for Energy Saving and Comfortable Space Using ACO in Building 기타53Optimization-Based reconfiguration method for power system incorporating superconducting fault current limiter failureSCI급2Parallel Implementations of LEA, Revisited국제학술대회75Quantum Cryptanalysis Landscape of Shor's Algorithm for Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem, WISA 2021국제학술대회73RISC-V 프로세서상에서의 효율적인 ARIA 암호 확장 명령어, 2021년 한국정보보호학회논문지국내논문지81Sandi Rahmadika, Muhammad Firdaus, Yong-Hwan Lee, 이경현, "An Investigation of Pseudonymization Techniques in Decentralized Transactions", Journal of Internet Services and Information Security,기타126Sandi Rahmadika, 이경현, "Unlinkable Collaborative Learning Transactions: Privacy-Awareness in Decentralized Approaches", IEEE Access, 9 (2021)SCI급57Secure Data Encryption for Cloud-Based Human Care servicesSCI급49Skin Condition Estimation Using Mobile Handheld CameraSCI급38Superconducting flywheel storage system(SFES) capacity determination method for a hybrid energy storage system with low pass filter-based fluctuation allocation of wind generation국제학술대회16The Synesthetic effect of Color to Package Design of Korean Cosmetic Products국내학술대회136Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Haeyoung Kim, Hyoeun Kang, Howon Kim, “Classification and Interpretability for Intrusion Detection System using Ensemble Trees and SHAP Method”, Sensors 2022, 22, 1154.SCI급63Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Hyoeun Kang and Howon Kim, "Household Appliance Classification Using Lower Odd-Numbered Harmonics and the Bagging Decision Tree", IEEE Access, Vol. 8, pp. 55937-55952, MarcSCI급77Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Hyoeun Kang, Howon Kim, "Robust Adversarial Attack Against Explainable Deep Classification Models Based on Adversarial Images With Different Patch Sizes and Perturbation RatioSCI급139Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Hyoeun Kang, Howon Kim, "Towards Incompressible Laminar Flow Estimation Based on Interpolated Feature Generation and Deep Learning", Sustainability 2022, 14, 11996.SCI급69Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Shinwook Heo, Howon Kim: Toward Load Identification Based on the Hilbert Transform and Sequence to Sequence Long Short-Term Memory. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 12(4): 3252-3264 (2021)SCI급137Thi-Thu-Huong Le, Yustus Eko Oktian, and Howon Kim, "XGBoost for Imbalanced Multiclass Classification-Based Industrial Internet of Things Intrusion Detection Systems", Sustainability 2022, 1SCI급129Tran Song Dat Phuc, 신용현, 이창훈, "Recovery-Key Attacks against TMN-family Framework for Mobile Wireless Networks", KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 15(6) (2021)SCI급 12345678910Powered by MangBoard